Thursday, August 25, 2011

Updated Name

Pumpkin and I decided we needed to begin making her room more big-girl like rather than baby-like. So we headed to JoAnn Fabrics and purchased scrapbook paper and Mod-Pog. Cut out the letter with an scrapping knife and then coated/sealed it. Her new bedroom theme will revolve around earth tones and deep warm colors.

Now to tackle some new bedding and wall art!



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Healthy and Delicious

Since we have watched Food Matters, I have been striving to make more smoothies with only fruit and vegetables (minus dairy). This one has:

1-large carrot
1-Leaf of Kale

Sprinkle of Raw Organic sugar- I didn't have grapes today, my natural choice for giving it some sweetness :-) I looked scary after blending, but yummy in the mouth!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

She is 2 and potty trained!

Wow what a busy week we had!

I took the big leaped and decided we would potty train indefinitely. about a week and a half ago I started to read Potty Train in Three Days I took all the ideas and advice seriously and began the preparations for Lil Pumpkin to start the big step into toddlerhood!

When the day came to begin we did everything the book said, had a diaper throwing away ceremony and put her in the big girl underwear. Whoa! Let me say I did not know having to be that HAPPY and POSITIVE would be so exhausting!!! By the end of day two I was ready to give up, cry & swear-and I did in my own company. I told Cliff to please get her to bed and that I need my own "time out" I was overwhelmed, tired, and lost. I got back on my Kindle app and read the book cover to cover and reread for the third time the part about the three days. Especially day two and three.

Day Three comes, I am giving it a fresh start and I WILL be happy no matter what. Mind you day one she did pee on the potty in the evening-with her clothes on. Day two she went successfully around 3p with daddy. Then day three... SUCCESS!! Potty at 10a and only a few opps that day. I could not ave been happier and more proud of her! (and my husband and I). It was so tiring. But we did it and what a relief.

Day four, we left the house, FINALLY! I brought the potty seat with me and she pee-peed every 30-40 minutes after each errand we ran. I am happy I can say it happened before she turn two, which would be day six if we were counting. She still struggles with staying dry through the night, but we will get there.

A week ago today began the success and we are excited and proud of her! what a BIG girl :-)


 Spring had arrived not only outside, but in our home! Watermelon sets the seasonal tone here.

 This is my absolute favorite dressing. it is delicious on a salad with crasins, strawberries, shredded cheese, chicken salad, and croutons. Found at: Kroger! Has sugar, but its real and no junky stuff. Try it!
Okay, so I attempted to make some "healthy" brownies. They were tasty however more like a dense cake :( I will have to perfect my recipe, but so far I substituted 1/2 the butter requirement with 1/4 of flax meal, 2T peanut butter, organic sugar and cocoa.... topped with a warmed (unhealthy, lol) frosting... like I said I am working out the kinks :)

3rd Generation Chair

My husband and his father used this chair in their toddler years. My MIL gave it to us and I am in the process of sanding, painting and reupholstering it. I am looking forward to the end result and sharing it with you along the way. 

Grandmas Foot Stool

Cliffs grandma recently passed away, he wanted to bring this foot stool home, and with his permission said I could reupholster it and make it anew... I have not even gone to the store yet to see what fabric to use or if I should paint the wood... It is in the works :) I will most likely cover it as well with vynal to keep its life a bit longer and protect it from sticky toddler hands.

It. Is. Done!

I have completed the chair! I am afraid to stress it too much... Does it need more or is it great just the way it is??